Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Time to smell the roses.....

After a very long winter and some brutally cold days, my body has had enough. I find it very difficult to muster the energy to get things done. I think I have a case of the "winter blues." I'm always so tired, and blah feeling. I still function, because everyone knows - moms can't catch a break! I still go about my daily routines, cooking, cleaning, working two jobs, balancing and juggling - you know, all that stuff we do! But now I am ready for some change. I think it's time for Spring to come so I can regain my outdoor exposure (vitamin D from the sun too) and zest for life. I love gardening, and seeing the plants grow helps lift my spirits. Maybe I can start my seeds early...

Friday, February 18, 2011

Race to Nowhere

This is a film about the stress and pressure kids today have on them. They are stressed because testing, homework, pressure to perform, sleep deprivation, and then of course the usual fitting in. I strongly encourage everyone to see this film. You can find out more information on

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Running around

Today was such a full day - as usual! I did my usual light housework before going to the "real" job (I mean the one that pays!) Then I ran straight to the elementary school to catch up on some PTA work. I then had just enough time to swing by the middle school to pick up my son. The two of us talked about the day as we went to pick up my daughter from a friends house. As soon as we got home, I shoved food down their throats so I could make a 7pm parent orientation meeting at the high school. I am finally home from work at 8:30pm! I am ready to collapse, but there is always more to do! I will look over the homework, make lunches for tomorrow, maybe do a load or two of laundry before actually turning in for the night. Then tomorrow I will do it all over again! G'night!