Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Perspective on life...

I recently said goodbye to a friend from my past. She was plagued by illness for a long time and I had no idea. The last time I saw her she was the same person I remembered - full of life, spirit and smiles. I've learned a lot about myself from attending her funeral. Live life to it's fullest, because you never know what tomorrow may bring. I have always tried to live this way, but you know, things get in the way! I don't want to take anyone for granted. I don't want to spend my life reaching for more so much that I can't appreciate what I have. She, in death, has inspired me to hold everyone close.
My new mission, or New Year's resolution is to reconnect with those I care about. I would really like to try and set aside time with all my "friends" on facebook. I have over 300 friends that I have crossed paths with at one time or another, but to call them "friends" I think I need to find a deeper meaning. I do care about what is going on in their lives, or else I wouldn't be so addicted to checking their status updates. I will do this as much as I can, whether it be to comment or get together. I want to live each day as if it were the last.
This is my tribute to Dana - or in better words - her legacy to us all.

Monday, May 9, 2011

How was your Mother's Day?

I think Mother's day should be spent with the people you love and care about and the ones that made you "MOM". This should be a day of family, food and rest. No cleaning, cooking, organizing, or preparing. Everyone else should at least take care of things for one day. Is it too much to ask? We work our butts off taking care of everyone and everything around us. One day won't hurt for us to kick back and get some much needed and well deserved pampering! I had originally planned to do absolutely nothing on Mother's day - except maybe go get my hair done. I had a new release book from the library, and had conquered all chores the day before. I started out the day with a cup of coffee handed to me when the phone rang. A friend was giving away 2 tickets to the Mets game that day. My 9 year old daughter had never been to a professional game and it had been awhile for me - so I said yes! I enjoyed the day with some mother/daughter bonding at Citi Field in Queens. Unfortunately the Mets lost, (I still love my '86 Mets) but we had a great time! Sometimes it's those spontaneous plans that create the most wonderful memories!