Saturday, July 28, 2012


Today I had a nice visit from my parents, grandmother, brother, aunt and cousins. After the chaos died down, I started to think about my life and what I've made of it so far. On a bad day, I can easily complain that my house still isn't finished therefore, I don't have enough room to entertain overnight guests. I can bitch and moan that my kids' friends can't come over because they'll see that we live in a smaller house. I whine that I the completed house I want isn't lavish but enough for our needs - but yet we still don't have it. On a good day, I realize that my house has been a "home" since we lived here. Our guests have always felt welcome and even with some crowding and maneuvering, have stayed overnight in comfort. I think back to my parents struggling to give me the same homey feeling which they never realized I always felt. I am grateful for that. I am also grateful that (I think) my kids feel the same way, and that I had something to do with that.

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