Saturday, February 25, 2012

career change...

I recently found a scrap of paper where I had written a 5 year plan for myself. At the time, my kids were younger and needed more supervision. Granted, as they get older, I am finding that they still need supervision but of a different nature! Back then, I had to make sure I or someone else was there to get them on and off the bus. They were also too young to stay home alone. I started working part time in order to meet these needs. My 5 year plan said that once my oldest was old enough to watch my younger one, I would go back to work full time. Well that was more than 5 years ago and I'm pretty comfortable where I am at work. My family could always use the extra money and by working full time, I could start contributing to my own retirement. At this point, a few extra hours out of the house wouldn't harm my what am I so afraid of? Change is scary and with this economy I should be grateful I at least have a job. I may have to start looking because before I know it, they'll be off to college and I won't have any excuse!