Friday, June 21, 2013

Causes and treatment for vertigo

Having suffered from bouts of vertigo for a few years now, I have been trying to figure out the triggers that bring it on in order to possibly stop it! The first time I fell ill with vertigo was after seeing a band play in a bar. I had no idea how loud it was going to be! As the drinks were flowing, I forgot how loud it was and had a great time!.. Two days later I felt like I still had a hangover - which just could not be possible because I didn't have that much to drink, I drank plenty of water and it WAS two days later! This dizzying feeling I had was weird and I just couldn't figure what was wrong. I went to the doctor and he diagnosed me with vertigo. Vertigo is in inner ear condition where the dangling things come loose and roll around causing you to loose balance. Basically, you've lost your marbles! Seems that by not wearing ear protection, I suffered damage to my ear canal. (Bet you're thinking grandma was right! I was...) My blood pressure was extremely low, so I actually needed to eat something salty to help regain my pressure before I passed out. He also instructed me on some exercises I could do to roll the "marbles" back into place. This felt extremely uncomfortable and made me even more nauseous. As the years have passed, I have have found out what triggers the onset of my vertigo and how to minimize the time it debilitates me - allergies. I have always had allergies in one form or another. I usually suffer from sinus problems maybe even a sinus infection, in the fall and summer. After a good heavy rainfall, even when the pollen is supposed to be stuck downward and not floating around, is when I suffer the most congestion. It's this seasonal allergy that brings on the vertigo. It's common knowledge that the ears, nose and throat are connected so it's not crazy to conclude that my vertigo (based on when it happens) is attributed to my my allergies. Just this past week our area saw heavy rainfall with flood warning and everything. I started getting a stuffy nose and clogged ears. Not realizing it at first, I didn't take my usual cold & sinus medicine. By the next day, I couldn't walk straight. Besides my "typical" allergy symptoms, I had vertigo. It's the most horrendous feeling not being able to drive, walk, concentrate or even sleep! I tried the exercises, tried to get rest, drank plenty of water - but still didn't get much relief. I took an antihistamine and that slowly helped. I think the reason it helped was because it was blocking whatever else I am allergic to. I think I've learned my lesson and if my theory is correct, I should be able to nip the vertigo symptoms in the bud before it interrupts my life!

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