Monday, June 24, 2013

Stop calling black people "African American"

This is one of my biggest pet peeves - referring to black people as African Americans. The reason this bothers me so much is that African American is not a color. It's a nationality. If we're talking about continents to describe backgrounds, then why don't we refer to white people as European Americans? Don't they all come from there? (I'm being facetious) Or even Irish American or French American, when talking about the color of their skin. Sometimes white people are called Caucasian but the definition of this word is not about skin color it's about physical types that also include people from northern Africa! (shaking my head and sighing) When asked what color I am, I say I am mixed - half black and half white. I don't say half African American and half white because that simply doesn't make sense. If you ask me about my background, well that's a different story. Here is a perfect example why black people should not be referred to as African American.... I have a friend who was born and raised in Egypt (which is in northern Africa for those who need a geography lesson) but has since settled in the US. He has a beautiful desert tan coloring to his skin. When asked what color he is, he says white. I laughed because he is more"African American" than most black people! Please stop looking for labels! Not everyone can be classified into a certain ethnic group, religion or nationality. There are people from all walks of life that "look" black or white but you just don't know. Personally, I'd rather you just ask me than assume.

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