Saturday, April 16, 2011

Too much...

I am getting very tired of my family taking advantage of me. They demand so much of me. I am a feminist and I believe that household chores are the responsibility of all the members in that household. If you wear clothes, then you can do laundry. If you eat, then you can clean up and do dishes. Don't ask me what I need you to do! If you don't have clean underwear then maybe you should wash some! That has nothing to do with me! They ask me where everything is, if we have something, what are our plans for the weekend, etc. I am not the keeper of all things possible - I don't keep inventory. I really feel that they would have no idea of what to do if I wasn't around.
I wish there was a reality show called "Runaway Mom" where the family is left to fend for themselves with mom to direct and keep order. I would go off for a relaxing weekend with no way to be reached. I am curious what would happen! Where can I sign up!!!
I know that it is partially my fault that they are so dependent on me. I take care of them and worry about them. I buy food not just for myself but for them. I do laundry for everyone. Somewhere, everyone stopped seeing chores that needed to be done and instead of letting them run out of clothes or food, I took over. It's all of our faults because they let me. Of, mom will do it. Mom has left the building!
I'm going to try an experiment. I will hide all to-do lists, calendars and schedules. I just have to figure out how to hide me so they can't come and ask. I need to somehow let them spread their wings and learn to be more independent without relying on them to not forget a recital, 60th birthday party or something else really important!

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