Tuesday, June 8, 2010


When I was younger kids got teased, fights happened on the playground but you dusted yourself off and were friends again like nothing happened. Now as a parent it seems like bullying is on the rise and I'm at a loss for what to do about it. My son was the victim of a bully a few years ago. He was pushed, poked and name-called. It hurt me so much to see him hurt. There were many meetings and phone calls with teachers and the principal. Unfortunately nothing really resolved. I constantly told him to push back, figuring the bully would get the idea not to mess with him. I know not everyone agrees with that tactic but I had had enough! Sure enough - my tactic worked! My son felt empowered to stand up for himself and the bully moved on to someone else.
I have no regrets having handled that situation in that way. But now, as a Girl Scout troop leader I am hearing that one of "my" girls is being a bully. I'm not sure what to do. Even though she is not my daughter, I feel obligated to help correct this situation. Whenever we are together as a troop I am very mindful of how the girls treat each other and would never stand for mean words or actions as long as I'm around. But I'm in a little predicament in that the bully AND her victim are my scouts. While the bullying has never happened on my watch, I'm hearing stories from both families of what has happened in school. I feel my loyalty is to both of them and I should be there for them as a listener and a friend. I have to watch what I say and not put myself in the middle.
What would you do? Please comment and let me know!

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