Saturday, July 9, 2011

trying to get on track

Finally my third job is over and I'm down to only two. I've been working six days a week and will continue to do so for the rest of this month. I feel guilty leaving the kids so as soon as I get home, I take them out. We've been out every afternoon this week and the fatigue is catching up with me. I've also had to put some of my routine chores off to the side. I like to stay organized and on top of things. So, by not having everything set up like clothes and meals for the week, I feel like my world is in disarray. I usually plan the week out on Sundays. I get the newspapers, clip the coupons, plan a shopping list for Friday and create a menu for the week. I also catch up on laundry so I can pick out clothes for the work week. Usually this only takes about 1-2 hours if I work straight through. Last weekend was a holiday so it threw off my whole schedule. So, not only am I at work today, but my mind is already racing on all the chores to catch up on. Weekends are great for relaxing and spending time with family, but it's always hard for me to rest when I feel like I have so much to do. Since it's nice out, my husband will spend time with the kids so I can focus on getting back on track.

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